Requery commands automatically using CommandManager

For performance reasons, Catel no longer automatically subscribes to the CommandManager to invalidate the state (saves a lot of CanExecute calls). If you want this behavior back, you can create a custom class that subscribes to the command manager and invalidates the commands for you.

This was removed for a reason (performance), so this is not the recommended approach. But this allows you to get back the old behavior.

To use this class, instantiate it and register it in the ServiceLocator so it stays alive.

public class RequeryUsingCommandManager
    private IViewModelManager _viewModelManager;

    public RequeryUsingCommandManager(IViewModelManager viewModelManager)
        Argument.IsNotNull(() => viewModelManager);

        _viewModelManager = viewModelManager;

        System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.RequerySuggested += OnCommandManagerRequerySuggested;

    private void OnCommandManagerRequerySuggested(object sender, SomeEventArgs e)

    private void InvalidateCommands()
        var viewModels = _viewModelManager.ActiveViewModels;
        foreach (var viewModel in viewModels)
            var viewModelBase = viewModel as ViewModelBase;
            if (viewModelBase != null)
                var viewModelCommandManager = viewModelBase.GetViewModelCommandManager();


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