Customizing the serialization engines

Since the SerializerBase does all the heavy lifting, it is very easy to customize the behavior of an existing serializer or create a completely new one. Each serializer implements its own interface and are registered in the *ServiceLocator *using the following interfaces:

To customize a serializer, derive from an existing class and customize a method. The serializer below makes sure that specific members are never serialized. It keeps all other serialization logic intact.

public class SafeXmlSerializer : XmlSerializer
    protected override bool ShouldIgnoreMember(ModelBase model, PropertyData property)
        if (model is SecurityModel)
            if (string.Equals(property.Name, "Password"))
                return true;
        return base.ShouldIgnoreProperty(model, property);

The only thing to do now is to register this custom instance in the ServiceLocator:

ServiceLocator.Default.RegisterType<IXmlSerializer, SafeXmlSerializer>();

The following methods on the serializer classes might be of interest when customizing the serialization:


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