Creating log listeners via configuration

Starting with Catel 3.8, it is possible to instantiate LogListener classes from the configuration. Below is an example on how to customize the listeners:

 <sectionGroup name="catel">
  <section name="logging" type="Catel.Logging.LoggingConfigurationSection, Catel.Core" />

   <listener type="Catel.Logging.FileLogListener" FilePath="{AppData}\CatelLogging.txt" IgnoreCatelLogging="true"
    IsDebugEnabled="false" IsInfoEnabled="true" IsWarningEnabled="true" IsErrorEnabled="true"/>

It is important to register the logging section as shown in the example above. Then the logging section in the bottom can contain an unlimited number of listeners. Each listener has to provide at least the type property which contains the type and namespace of the ILogListener which must be added:

<listener type="Catel.Logging.FileLogListener" />

The other properties are fully customizable and can be defined on the fly. This means that the configuration is fully customizable for every listener that needs to be added. Below is an example to register the FileLogListener via configuration:

<listener type="Catel.Logging.FileLogListener" FilePath="CatelLogging.txt" IgnoreCatelLogging="true"
          IsDebugEnabled="false" IsInfoEnabled="true" IsWarningEnabled="true" IsErrorEnabled="true"/>

The *ILogListener *properties (IsDebugEnabled, IsInfoEnabled, IsWarningEnabled and IsErrorEnabled) are available to all listeners. All other properties depend on the the actual listener being registered. This allows major flexibility at runtime.


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