Using conventions

The ServiceLocator in Catel can be set up to automatically register types based on the conventions.  

The convention based registration should to be run first than the others registration methods to be sure to have all your types registered correctly.

Some conventions are provided by default to allow us to register types.

Register using Naming Convention

You can want to register all types which match with the default naming convention, means when I have a *IService *interface, I expect the convention to find and register the Service class as implementation.

To discover types for naming convention registration, we have to simply do :

var serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();


Register using FirstInterface Convention

You can want to register all types which match with the default first interface convention, means when I have a *Service *class which implements more than one interface, I expect the convention to find the first interface and use it as service registration.

To discover types for first interface convention registration, we have to simply do :

var serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();


Filter types to register

You have the ability to apply filtering on the registration process to exclude for example or include some types.

Exclude all types of the namespace containing the specified type

If you want to exclude all types of the namespace which belong to a particular type, just do that: 

var serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();


Here, we say to the ServiceLocator to ignore all types included into the namespace which belong to the IFooService type.

You can manually specify the namespace of the types to exclude using the *ExcludeAllTypesOfNamespace ***** method like this: ExcludeAllTypesOfNamespace(“MyNamespace”)

Exclude a specific type

If you want to exclude a specific type, you can do that by using the ExcludeType method like shown below:

var serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();


The IFooService will be exclude on the registration process.

Exclude types using predicate

You also have the possibility to filter types by using a predicate, below an example :

var serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();

              .ExcludeTypesWhere(type => type == typeof(IFooService));

All Exclude methods have an Include version




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