CommandManager and command containers (Application-wide commands)
Most commands are registered per view and available per view model. Some commands (such as commands on a Ribbon
or Toolbar
) are application-wide. Catel supports both types, and this part of the documentation explains how to use the ICommandManager
to work with application-wide commands such as Refresh
with a key bound to F5
There is no generic way to specify application-wide commands in XAML platforms. To overcome this issue, Catel introduces the CommandManager. This manager allows to create commands which are hosted by the CommandManager. The commands on the command manager can be created with input gestures. Once a view model wants to hook into a specific command, it only has to register the view model command with the application-wide command.
Note that application-wide commands by default are only available on the main window of an application. To support this on other windows, add the following code in the constructor of a window:
public class SomeWindow
private readonly CommandManagerWrapper _commandManagerWrapper;
public SomeWindow()
_commandManagerWrapper = new CommandManagerWrapper(this);
Creating application-wide commands
To create application-wide commands, one must resolve the ICommandManager from the *DependencyResolver *and create the command:
var dependencyResolver = IoCConfiguration.DefaultDependencyResolver;
var commandManager = dependencyResolver.Resolve<ICommandManager>();
commandManager.CreateCommand("Refresh", new InputGesture(Key.F5));
It is recommended to put all the command creation in a single place so they are easily manageable.
Registering a custom command
When a view model wants to use application-wide specific commands, the only thing it has to do is register the command in the CommandManager.
public class CommandSubscribingViewModel : ViewModelBase
private readonly IMessageService _messageService;
public CommandSubscribingViewModel(ICommandManager commandManager, IMessageService messageService)
Argument.IsNotNull(() => commandManager);
Argument.IsNotNull(() => messageService);
_messageService = messageService;
ExampleCommand = new Command(OnExampleCommandExecute);
commandManager.RegisterCommand("Refresh", ExampleCommand, this);
public Command ExampleCommand { get; private set; }
private void OnExampleCommandExecute()
_messageService.Show("Application-wide command executed");
Using application-wide commands in xaml
To make it easy to bind to application-wide commands, Catel provides the *CommandManagerBinding *markup extension. To bind to commands in xaml, use the following code:
<Ribbon catel:StackGrid.ColumnSpan="4">
<RibbonTab Header="Home" KeyTip="H" >
<RibbonGroup Header="Example commands">
<RibbonButton Command="{catel:CommandManagerBinding Refresh}" LargeImageSource="..\Resources\Images\Refresh.png"
Label="Refresh" KeyTip="F5" />
As the code shows, the CommandManagerBinding extension automatically resolves the Refresh command from the CommandManager.
Command containers
When implementing a ribbon or any menu structure inside an application can result in a very complex view model containing all the commands. Catel solves this issue by implementing so-called command containers. These are containers that have only 1 purpose: contain a command so the logic can easily be viewed / edited and the commands will be available during the whole lifetime of the app. Internally command containers use the ICommandManager to register commands, so the ICommandManager is still responsible for the commands.
Creating a command container
Creating a command container is very simple. It can be done by creating a class deriving from CommandContainerBase as shown in the example below:
public class ApplicationAboutCommandContainer : CommandContainerBase
private readonly IAboutService _aboutService;
public ApplicationAboutCommandContainer(ICommandManager commandManager, IAboutService aboutService)
: base(Commands.Application.About, commandManager)
Argument.IsNotNull(() => aboutService);
_aboutService = aboutService;
protected override Execute(object parameter)
As you can see the implementation is very clean and won’t pollute any other view models.
Registering a command container
If you don’t use the extension methods below, you must register the command container inside the service locator and register the command inside the ICommandManager. To make this process easier, use a definition file and the code below.
Command definitions
To make it very easy to register new commands, Catel uses naming conventions and extension methods. The name of the command (for example, About must be a constant on the command definitions class). If the command definition also contains a <CommandName>InputGesture, in this case AboutInputGesture, it will use that input gesture as a default to register the command with.
public static class Commands
public static class Application
public const string Exit = "Application.Exit";
public static readonly InputGesture ExitInputGesture = new InputGesture(Key.F4, ModifierKeys.Alt);
public const string About = "Application.About";
public static readonly InputGesture AboutInputGesture = new InputGesture(Key.F1);
public static class OtherPartOfApplication
public const string SomeCommand = "OtherPartOfApplication.SomeCommand";
public static readonly InputGesture SomeCommandInputGesture = null;
It is recommended to keep a well formed structure for your command definitions to keep them manageable, even in very large applications
Registering the command container
Once you have the command container and the command definition (command name and the input gesture), it is time to register the command container:
var commandManager = ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType<ICommandManager>();
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(Commands.Application), "About");
This will keep the command registration very readable and maintainable when using a lot of commands:
var commandManager = ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType<ICommandManager>();
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(AppCommands.Application), "Exit");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(AppCommands.Application), "About");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(Commands.Project), "Open");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(Commands.Project), "Save");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(Commands.Project), "SaveAs");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(Commands.Project), "Refresh");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(AppCommands.Settings), "ToggleTooltips");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(AppCommands.Settings), "ToggleQuickFilters");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(ExtensibilityCommands.Application), "Extensions");
commandManager.CreateCommandWithGesture(typeof(ExtensibilityCommands.Application), "ExtensionsSettings");
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