Catel 6.0

This guide describes how to update your code to be fully compatible with Catel 6.0.

This guide assumes that you are coming from Catel 5.12. If not, please read that guide first.

Encountered issues while upgrading to this version? Add them here to help out others!

Generic property registrations

It’s recommended to use Catel.Fody. This tool will automatically detect the version of Catel being used and use the correct syntax to register properties.

If not using Catel.Fody, the property registrations of the (view) models has changed to be generic by default. This is done to improve performance of the underlying property bag.

Migrate to (faster) generic property registration

Refactor the property registration to the generic form:

public string FirstName
    get { return GetValue<string>(nameof(FirstName)); }
    protected set { SetValue(nameof(FirstName), value); }

public static readonly IPropertyData FirstNameProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(nameof(FirstName));

Stick with (slower) non-generic property registration

Rename the RegisterProperty method to RegisterPropertyNonGeneric:

public string FirstName
    get { return GetValue<string>(nameof(FirstName)); }
    protected set { SetValue(nameof(FirstName), value); }

public static readonly IPropertyData FirstNameProperty = RegisterPropertyNonGeneric(nameof(FirstName), typeof(string), null, null, false, true, true);

IPleaseWaitService renamed to IBusyIndicatorService

To be more compliant with other software components available, the PleaseWaitService has been renamed to BusyIndicatorService.


We would like to thank the following contributors:

Want to contribute to the documentation? We have a guide for that!


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